Remnant II: How to Change Difficulty

Remnant II How to Change the Difficulty
Remnant II How to Change the Difficulty

It’s no secret that Remnant II is not an easy game, and the early hours can be punishing for even the more experienced players. If you find yourself getting repeatedly pummelled by a boss or overwhelmed by a horde of robots, you might want to consider tweaking the difficulty setting to make the challenging game a little more savoury. Here’s all the know-how on changing the difficulty to match the experience you’re looking for.


What Difficulty Should You Choose?

Remnant 2 difficulty
Remnant 2 difficulty

Before jumping headfirst into the cruel world of Remnant II, it’s important to understand what each tier puts forward, as your enjoyment of this game could very well depend on it. Here’s a quick breakdown of all the difficulty options and a more in-depth explanation of what each setting offers:

  • Survivor: The easiest difficulty in Remnant II and is the perfect choice for beginners. But make no mistake, as it can still be challenging at times, especially if you are new to the world of Remnant.
  • Veteran: The ideal difficulty for fans of Remnant: From the Ashes and players who want a well-rounded experience. This type of player isn’t afraid of a good fight and is on a journey to hone their abilities.
  • Nightmare: For players who seek an absolutely brutal experience that will truly test their skills and push their gaming talents to new heights. This is not recommended at the beginning unless you are highly skilled at these types of games or a little nuts.
  • Apocalypse: A difficulty designed for the endgame that only unlocks when you’ve beaten the campaign once. It’s the type of challenge that would attract the no-hit-run type of player. If that’s not you, then you’ll be bashing your head at this one until you either make or break it. Good luck if you attempt this.

No matter which difficulty you select, the game will still present moments where you might want to rethink your strategy, consider upgrading your gear, or even try, try, and retry until you triumph.


How Do You Change Remant II Difficulty?

Remnant II: How to Change the Difficulty
Remnant II: How to Change the Difficulty

Picture this. You’ve selected your difficulty, aced the tutorial, and now you’re off, exploring the meat and potatoes of Remnant II, but something’s wrong. The enemies you’re pitted against are swarming you left, right, and centre, kicking you back to the last checkpoint repeatedly. Sounds rough, but all hope is not lost, as you can change the difficulty in Remnant II, but there is a catch.

To do this, you must first complete the tutorial and travel to your starting world. Afterwards, simply return to Ward 13 and activate the World Stone located at the heart of the hub area. Doing so will open a new menu wheel, and at the bottom are a pair of icons called “World Settings.” After doing so, you’ll be left with an option called “Reroll Campaign,” and from there, you can tweak the difficulty settings to the ones you have unlocked.

Remnant II How to Change the Difficulty
Remnant II How to Change the Difficulty

However, this will completely remove the story thread you are on, and if you’ve made substantial progress, you might want to rethink this. Doing so will restart the game for you with entirely different scenarios and levels to explore. You will keep all your character progress but lose everything else. For players starting out who are still finding their footing but have maybe selected one of the higher difficulties, like “Nightmare,” then this is a viable option.

Unfortunately, there is no way to tweak the difficulty of the current campaign you are experiencing, so take care with the setting you select. Enemies are ruthless while you scramble through the learning curve of Remnant II, so don’t make the game as frustrating as possible. You can always play the harder difficulties once you’ve got a campaign or two under your belt.


What does “Reroll Campaign” Mean in Remant II?

Remnant II How to Change the Difficulty
Remnant II How to Change the Difficulty

This setting is what the foundation of Remnant II is built on, and it’s something you’ll be doing anyway every time you finish a campaign run. The game has been designed with endless replayability in mind, meaning every time you embark on the journey, players will always find something fresh to engage with, whether it’s a brand-new substory, bosses, gear, or secrets. There’s something for everyone to go and hunt down.

Reroll Campaign is essentially a fancy new game plus, with the addition of a multitude of experiences to be offered each time you start anew. The content variety pairs nicely with the 11 Archetypes, skill combos, and weapons. To put it lightly, the game wants you to stay for a while, and completionists are going to have a blast shooting and looting through it all.

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