IO Interactive’s Project 007 – Everything You Should Know

Project 007
Project 007

After the 2021 film No Time To Die, it seems that Agent 007 has gone dark. Where will he show up next? Would you be surprised to know that Bond’s next appearance could be on your gaming console? Agents, get your shaken cocktails ready for Project 007.

The last game to have Mr. Bond as a protagonist was Activision’s 007 Legends from 2012. More than a decade later, the spy fever might start anew. This time, the developers of the Hitman franchise will be doing the job. So, should you choose to continue, here’s everything you should know about Project 007.


When Is Project 007 Coming Out?

Project 007 was made public in 2020 through a teaser trailer. Since then, the developers, IO Interactive, have been almost as secretive as the MI6 themselves. The release date for Project 007 is still unknown.

Kidding aside, the secrecy is most likely simply because the game is still a long way from release. Unless they’re planning to shadow drop it any day now. That would be pretty fitting for a James Bond game but don’t keep your hopes up for it.

Page 9 of IO Interactive’s 2022 financial report states that they expect a decrease in profit for the fiscal years 2024 and 2025. For context, IO Interactive’s fiscal year ends on March 31. They say the decrease will be due to “long production phases.”

This decrease means that their next release, which should be Project 007, will likely release after March 31, 2025. If they don’t expect a ton of income for 2024 and 2025, they probably have no new releases planned between those dates. This is all just speculation though, so take what you will from it.

You should also note that Project 007 isn’t the final title. On the game’s official website, it’s stated that Project 007 is still a working title. The game still has a long way to go, so lots of other things can change too.


What Is Project 007 About?

You don’t need to be a hardcore spy fan to figure out that Project 007 is about James Bond. Specifically, a young James Bond during the beginning of his career. That’s right, Project 007 will finally address James Bond’s origin story.

The movie Casino Royale featured something similar: Bond’s first mission as a 00 agent. Project 007 plans to take it even further, showing fans a Bond before he gets the 00 title.

Between the synopsis and the teaser trailer, there’s not a lot of information to go on about the plot. Aside from it being an origin story, what else can fans expect?

You could hear the crunch of snow being stepped on and howling wind in the trailer, indicating the game’s setting. Whether the entire game will be in a snowy mountain or it’s just the first mission, who knows? Bond’s parents were killed in a mountain climbing accident, so the sounds could also be referring to that incident.

Even less is known about the gameplay. There are currently no gameplay trailers, footage, or even images. The game could be a third-person RPG, FPS, or a stealth assassination game like Hitman. Anything’s possible right now.

Hakan Abrak, the CEO of IO Interactive, states that they want Project 007 to be the first in a new trilogy of Bond games. So, if Project 007 sales do well enough, James Bond fans have some good years ahead.


Which Platforms Will Project 007 Launch On?

Despite being two years into development, even the platforms where Project 007 will launch on remain unknown. However, considering it’s a AAA title, you can expect it to release on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X & S.

IO Interactive’s last major release, Hitman 3 (2021), still had ports for older consoles like the Nintendo Switch, PS4, and Xbox One. So, for the sake of the budget-conscious, they could hopefully do the same for Project 007.


Who Is Developing Project 007?

Hitman 3
Hitman 3

Project 007 is being developed and published by IO Interactive. You may recognize them from their most famous video game franchise: Hitman. Other games from IO Interactive are Freedom Fighters, the Kane & Lynch series, and Mini Ninjas.

They started out as Reto-Moto in 1997 but quickly changed to IO Interactive in 1998 after partnering with Nordisk Film. In 2000, IO Interactive’s first game was released: Hitman: Codename 47.

Aside from Project 007, IO Interactive is also currently working on a fantasy RPG aptly called Project Fantasy. The title is still pending on that project as well. Weirdly enough, before Hitman, IO Interactive was actually planning on releasing a fantasy MMO instead. They decided to go for a more simple concept to test themselves first. Now’s the time to make that fantasy a reality.

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